New Years Eve!! :D

J.A.P Cupcakes would like to shout out a huge “Thank you” for all your support in 2014. It’s been another interesting year full of triumphs and tribulations, happiness, joy and laughter.

It’s New Years Eve once again and we bid another year adieu.

Before we pop the champagne and celebrate the New Year, don’t forget to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by. To  remember both our triumphs and  our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down due to fear. That is what New Years is all about- giving and getting, another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, to try harder; for new beginnings, letting go of old, welcoming new possibilities. To stop worrying about the what if’s and start embracing what could be, what would be if we gave it a chance. So when that stroke of midnight comes, and 2014 comes to a final close, let’s make a resolution to be nice to each other, kind to each other, to our families, friends, acquaintances; the random people on the street, animals and all things in this great world around us. We are blessed. We should never take what we have for granted. But in saying that, we should try our best to be nice not for just one moment in time, but all year long.

Time flies by, people come and go. We win some, we lose some. Celebrate and be happy. Share love, give hope, forgive, allow for second chances, fresh starts and new beginnings.


J.A.P Cupcakes


Gluten refers to the proteins found in wheat endosperm (a type of tissue produced in seeds that’s ground to make flour); and is actually composed of two different proteins: gliadin (a prolamin protein) and glutenin (a glutelin protein). Gluten is responsible for the elastic texture of dough, helping it rise and keep its shape, and often gives the final product a chewy texture. Gluten is used in cosmetics, hair products, and other dermatological preparations.

Did you know: Gluten, especially wheat gluten, is often the basis for imitation meats resembling beef, chicken, duck, fish, and pork?

Though gluten is mostly defined as being specific to wheat, gluten is often said to be part of other cereal grains, e.g. rye, barley and various crossbreeds, because these grains also contain protein composites made from prolamins and glutelins.

Is gluten bad?

Gluten isn’t bad, but some people are gluten-intolerant, meaning their bodies produce an abnormal immune response when it breaks down gluten from wheat and related grains during digestion.

The most well-known form of gluten intolerance is celiac disease.
When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, it triggers an immune response that damages their intestines, preventing them from absorbing vital nutrients.

There is another potential form of intolerance called nonceliac gluten sensitivity.
After consuming gluten, patients with gluten sensitivity may experience celiac disease symptoms, such as diarrhea, fatigue and joint pain, but don’t appear to have damaged intestines.

In cases of gluten intolerance, doctors typically recommend a gluten-free diet, where the individual is to avoid eating any foods and ingredients that contain gluten, e.g. bread, beer, french fries, pasta, salad dressing, soy sauce and even some soups – or unless otherwise marked as “gluten-free”.

Did you know: higher gluten levels are associated with higher amounts of overall protein in a food product?

Good Eating – Food Tips

If you’re just starting out, just weaning yourself off the quick meals and fast food diet and way of life. Here are some, no fuss food tips for you:

1. Ditch the pre-prepared food boxes and packages.

2. Give up that low fat / low sugar mentality.

3. Learn to read labels.

4. Remember all things are best in moderation!

5. Shop for fresh fruits and vegetables – the freezer can be your friend if you’re ‘time poor’.

6. Apply the KISS principle when cooking.

7. Increase your daily water intake.

8. Develop a repertoire of fast, easy, simple meal receipes.

And finally, share with friends and family – not only articles and receipes, but also by preparing wholesome meals for your get-togethers. 

16 Motivational Life Points

Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.

Did you realise: Today is the oldest each of us has ever been and the youngest we will ever be again.

In other words, life is short and the clock is ticking. If there was ever a perfect day to stand strong beside your values, your ambitions, and what’s best for you, that day is today.

A few notes to help you be you (they’ve helped me too!):

1. Never stop improving / bettering yourself – Always aim higher than you think is possible. Dream.

2. Never stop listening to your own inner voice – your gut – don’t worry about what everyone else thinks. There’s greatness in knowing and believing in something without a doubt. 

3. Always be comfortable in your own shoes – figurative and actual. Focus on your inner self and pave your own path. 
Remember that it is more useful to be aware of a single strength or weakness in yourself than to be aware of a thousand strengths and weaknesses in others.

4. Do what needs to be done – to be successful, you must plan to be, prepare to be, expect to be, and work to be, every day. 

5. Embrace your struggles – it’s a necessary part of life to grow and don’t let fear decide your future. The struggles you face today are preparing you for the challenges of tomorrow.  Remember that there are no mistakes.  The events that arise as you journey forward, no matter how unpleasant, are necessary steps in order to learn what you need to know to reach the places you’ve chosen to go.

6. Never give up, always get back up – The strongest and most accomplished people are not those who always win, but those who refuse to give up even after they lose. What defines us is how well we rise after falling. 

7. Make the best out of any situation- don’t think of it as a negative, but rather as a gift.

8. Ignore the naysayers – when someone undermines your dreams, predicts your doom, or criticizes you in any way, remember, they’re telling you their story, not yours.

9. Always take chances – every opportunity is a chance to soar to new heights.

10. Always smile and see the bright side – be determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation you may find yourself.  Eventually you’ll learn that the greater part of your happiness isn’t determined by your circumstance but by your attitude and outlook. Never stop thinking positive.

11. Laugh at yourself and your life situations – try not to take everything too seriously, laugh it off if you can – especially when things don’t go as planned.  People with a good sense of humor have a better sense of life. 

12. Never stop appreciating the life you’re living right now – now is the moment.

13. Be kind – kindness is a gift you can afford to give endlessly. Do so whenever you can, because you can. 

14. Never stop doing the little things, for your own happiness, and for the ones you love – happiness comes from your own choices and actions.  Waiting for someone else to make you happy is the best way to be sad.

15. Open your mind to new perspectives – our minds are like a parachute; it doesn’t work unless it’s open. Never stop evolving – learning, changing,  growing. You can change your mind. To be real to yourself is to allow yourself the freedom to change.  The only thing you ever are for sure is unsure, and this means you’re growing, and not stagnant or imprisoned by old ways of thinking.

16. Never stop writing your own story, your own way – make conscious choices every day that align your actions with your values and ambitions.
The way you live each day is a sentence in the story of your life…

[Based on a reading by M. Chernoff]

World’s Greatest Shave 2015

Hi all,

Just us dropping in a quick line on behalf of one of the key members of our team here at J.A.P Cupcakes.

Each year this team member has put her efforts into great causes: from Surf Lifesaving, Pink Ribbon, the Red Cross, and the RSPCA; to Save the Children and Life’s Little Treasures.

2015 brings with it new challenges and she has decided to undertake The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia World’s Greatest Shave – aiming to lop her long locks for the Leukemia Foundation Australia.


We’ll keep you updated on donations progress, and when and where she will be having her hair shaved, and of course, the ever important photos!!

In the meantime, share her link, and sponsor her in her 2015 quest.
Her sponsorship link is below:

Remember: All donations $2+ are tax deductible.

Please donate what you can as every dollar counts.

Thank you from the team here at J.A.P Cupcakes and on behalf of the The Leukaemia Foundation of Australia World’s Greatest Shave 2015 team!!


‘Seven Commandments’…

… for being an extraordinary person!:

· Be Racket-Free: give up being right – even when you know you were.

· Be Powerful: be straight in your communication and take what you get.

· Be Courageous: acknowledge your fear (not necessarily get rid of it) and then act.

· Be Peaceful: give up the interpretation that there’s something wrong.

· Be Charismatic: give up trying to get somewhere. Be entirely fulfilled in the present moment.

· Be Enrolling: share your new possibilities in such a way that others are touched, moved and inspired.

· Be Unreasonable: in expectations of yourself and others beyond what you would think they are capable of.

~ A. Hill